Hey all!
Ok, I meant to do this when the rugby world cup came round again, but since we haven't had an RP event for a while, I thought we might as well do one now.
The (official) rules of da game:
Clicky here Modified rules of the game:
1. We'll be playing with al the same rules apart from the number of players. We'll be playing with seven players (this may be modified if wished so), as I'm sure that mot many people have fifteen characters on this board. Two players forming a team is allowed, but it won't be easy! Two substitutes are optional.
2. Telekinesis IS NOT ALLOWED. It's called cheating... It'll be too easy if I allowed the use of telekinesis, so it's just not allowed.
3. Your players don't have to be humanoid.
4. NO GODMODDING. Like the rest of the board, there is no godmodding. If you're tackled, you're tackled, deal with it.
So, sign up a team below with a team name and the names of the characters you want to sign up!